Poetry was very important to Jack. Not so much reading it but writing it. It was part of his self education and ability to connect emotionally with his inner self. He taught himself to write verse using some of the classical forms such as Sonnet, Triolet, Rondeau and Villanelle. He would move on to blank verse later in life but I prefer his earlier structured pieces, mostly on the theme of love.
He was published in the late 40s in a literary magazine called Argosy and then many years later by the private press of Toni Savage of Leicester who he met when playing Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing at the Phoenix Theatre, Leicester. Toni produced the Phoenix Broadsheets for distribution at the theatre and Barwell Broadsides for his folk club. Jack and Toni met and got on very well, a certain love of whiskey and poetry along with Toni's past as an opera singer sealed their friendship and future collaboration in matters poetical.
These triolets were the first Toni published as the New Broom Press, 1975, in a little chapbook, cunningly called Triolets.
True Love
If you should die and I live on
what other could assuage my yearning?
What should I build a hope upon
If you should die and I live on.
With all my inspiration gone
what use to me my art or learning
if you should die and I live on?
What other could assuage my yearning.
Heart Broken
I shall not seek for love again,
from here I shall go, ever lonely
Only my heart shall know my pain,
I shall not seek for love again,
my senses cannot more attain
completedness, quietude yes, only
I shall not seek for love again
from here I shall go ever lonely.
She cocked her head and glanced her eye
and said I was a Prince of men.
Upon my word, I do not lie
she cocked her head and glanced her eye
and lured me on with motion sly.
How could I help but kiss her when
she cocked her head and glanced her eye
and said I was a Prince of men?
How could I know, who loved so well
that love would lie in such a fashion
and yet retain me in its spell.
How could I know, who loved so well
then, that my heart must never tell
the tale of unrequited passion.
How could I know, who loved so well
that love would lie in such a fashion.
Love's Weather
That early mist and jewel dew
may dim the view but not the feeling
was clear to me. My Granny knew
that early mist and jewel dew
proclaimed the Sun would shine anew.
She said to me, 'There's no concealing
that early mist and jewel dew
may dim the view but not the feeling.
We found a Hedge-pig fast asleep
in Spring, for he was hibernating.
While digging in the compost heap
we found a Hedge-pig fast asleep
all tightly curled and buried deep.
It seems absurd reiterating
we found a Hedge-pig fast asleep
in Spring, for he was hibernating.